Using Vistle requires a local installation of the Vistle client. If you have it installed already, you can skip part A and continue directly with part B.
There are three options for setting up the Vistle client:
a) Using Singularity If you have Singularity installed on your machine, download the repository containing Vistle definition files and follow the instruction as described there
b) Clone from GitHub Make sure you have installed all dependencies listed on this site. Then follow the instructions there
c) MacOS only: Install using Homebrew
brew install hlrs-vis/tap/vistle
Start a new Vistle job on bwVisu. Once the job is running, you can find the servers address and port listed in the job information section: tcp://<ip>:<port>
Follow the instruction in either a) or b), depending on if you are using Singularity.
a) Starting Vistle from the Singularity image
singularity shell --nv vistle-client.sif
Singularity> export VISTLE_KEY=0000
Singularity> /usr/bin/vistle -c <ip>:<port>
b) Starting Vistle if installed via GitHub or Homebrew
export VISTLE_KEY=0000
vistle -c <ip>:<port>
The Vistle GUI should now show up and you are all set to use Vistle. To verify the connection to the server, go to the module browser on the right hand side of the GUI. You should see two drop down lists: one for your client machine and one for the remote server, depending on where you want to start a module. You can now create your module map!